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Spotkania z prof. Barbarą Oakley

Z przyjemnością zapraszamy do udziału w spotkaniach z prof. Barbarą Oakley – światowej sławy ekspertką w dziedzinie dydaktyki akademickiej, a także autorką jednego z najpopularniejszych webinariów na platformie Coursera pt. Learning How to Learn.

Barbara Oakley, PhD, PE is a Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan; Michigan’s Distinguished Professor of the Year; and Coursera’s inaugural “Innovation Instructor.” Her work focuses on the complex relationship between neuroscience and social behavior. Dr. Oakley’s research has been described as “revolutionary” in the Wall Street Journal. She is a New York Times best-selling author. Her book A Mind for Numbers, on effective learning in STEM disciplines, has sold over a million copies worldwide; Uncommon Sense Teaching is a critically praised guide to teaching based on insights from neuroscience. Dr. Oakley has won numerous teaching awards, including the American Society of Engineering Education’s Chester F. Carlson Award for technical innovation in engineering education and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers William E. Sayle II Award for Achievement in Education. Together with Terrence Sejnowski, the Francis Crick Professor at the Salk Institute, she co-teaches Coursera’s Learning How to Learn: one of the world’s most popular massive open online courses with some four million registered students, along with a number of other leading MOOCs.

Photo: John Meiu /

Zachęcamy do udziału w dwóch wydarzeniach organizowanych przez Dział Rozwoju i Jakości Kształcenia w Centrum Wsparcia Dydaktyki UJ dla osób prowadzących zajęcia na naszej Uczelni:

Stacjonarny wykład z elementami warsztatu dla osób zainteresowanych rozwojem kompetencji dydaktycznych. Liczba miejsc jest ograniczona, a o zapisie decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń. Formularz rejestracyjny (dostępny po zalogowaniu adresem w domenie lub

Teaching & Learning Means Getting in Mental “Synchrony"

A growing body of research insight from neuroscience has revealed many surprises when it comes to teaching. For example, some forms of seemingly “rote” learning can engage students’ sophisticated pattern recognition systems, which can be invaluable in making math or language easier to learn, particularly at more advanced levels. And there are further surprises—for example, just because students know how to solve a problem in math or have learned a skill in sports does not necessarily mean that they can—or should—be able to explain it. In fact, forcing some neurally diverse students to explain their reasoning when they can already demonstrate their understanding can actually kill their motivation for deeper learning.

In this talk, we will explore these and other counterintuitive insights from research that can allow you to make intelligent use of students’ differing underlying approaches to learning.  We will also explore the intimate connection between retrieval practice in math and the metaphors used in art, music, and poetry. 

Miejsce: Auditorium Maximum UJ - Aula Mała, ul. Krupnicza 33 (parter)
​Termin: 31 maja (środa), godz. 13:00-17:00

Zdalna prezentacja połączona z dyskusją odbędzie się w zespole „Dydaktyczne Dygresje. Wsparcie nauczycieli akademickich i doktorantów” na platformie Ms Teams - dostęp przez kod: h33t6v4 lub link: 
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Teaching Online with Personality, Flair, and Impact

As the world’s experiences with COVID have taught us, creating an engaging online course can be far more difficult than it appears. Join Barbara Oakley, experienced online and flipped class instructor of millions of students, as she walks you the practical “how-to’s” of teaching asynchronous classes that can energize both you and your students.

We’ll start by examining common mistakes—as illustrated by a hilariously bad educational video—and then learn how to improve what you present. We’ll explore practical aspects of multimedia theory, top down versus bottom up attention, and the value of occasional humor. (And we’ll also show you how to supply those bits of humor even if you’re not funny). Simple greenscreen, finding low cost animations and videos, scripting (or not), the importance of your expressions and gesture, voice, lights, gamification, organizing your course on your LMS, ideas to reduce proctoring costs—we’ll cover all this and more. 

Miejsce: Spotkanie zdalne na platformie Ms Teams
Termin: 2 czerwca (piątek), godz. 11:00-13:00